Specialist Nurse/Midwife Intervention Register


This solution:

  • Enables all Specialist Nurses and Midwives to log all daily patient visits and interventions completed for inpatients, community patients and hospital in the home patients.

  • Enables Specialist Nurses and Midwives to track interventions not completed together with the reason why the intervention was not completed.

  • Enables Specialist Nurses and Midwives to track activities by time, contacts, ward / service, group attendance and consumables used.

  • Provides a wide range of Specialist Nurse / Midwife reports by patient episode, ward / service, hospital, clinician and DRG/HRG.

  • Provides evidence of service demand by discipline for workforce planning and budgeting.

Specialist Nurse/Midwife disciplines can record:

  • Activities performed and number of contacts.

  • Activities not performed and the reason why.

  • The time an activity occurred.

  • The time required to complete the activity.

  • The ward / service where the activity occurred.

  • Patient consumables and revenue and / or cost.

  • Group attendances.

  • Specialist Nurse/Midwife patient notes and ongoing comments.

  • Patients ready for discharge.

  • Equipment given on loan to patients.

Reporting displays:

  • Activity and number of sessions.

  • Time required for the activity.

  • Time required for all activities.

  • Activities not completed.

  • Activities by Ward and Hospital.

  • Intervention revenue and / or cost.

  • Total intervention time.

  • Group attendances ward / service and hospital.

  • All activities for the patient’s episode of care.

  • Consumables utilised during the patient’s episode of care.

  • Specific patient types and HRGS/DRGs.

  • Specialist Nurse/Midwife personnel clinical interventions.

  • Specialist Nurse/Midwife personnel consumables.


These reports are available by specific timeframes, selected specialty or all specialties, a selected patient or all patients, selected ward/s, selected activities and selected HRG/DRG.

All TrendCare reports and graphs can be saved as PDF, CSV or text format, for example, for transfer into a spreadsheet.