Reports Interpretation Workshop
Reports Interpretation Workshop
Reports Interpretation Workshop is essential in the early stages of implementation to review the progress in data integrity and is also highly recommended periodically for any site requiring re-training due to turnover of key personnel.
Workshop Description
This one-day workshop consolidates basic acuity concepts, introduces the key efficiency reports, and allows the participants to begin to make sense of their own data. Managers will develop the confidence to identify trends in acuity and activity to confirm service requirements and to measure performance against budgets.
Some of the key reports/audits/graphs reviewed in this workshop include:
Ward Actualisation Audit
Ward Acuity Hours per Patient Day (HPPD) Per Patient Type Report
Ward Period Shift Variance report
Ward / Department Productive and Non-Productive Hours Report
Acuity Variance Reports and Graphs
Other Work Management Reports
Ward Productive Hours by Work Status Report
Casual, Agency, Overtime and Sick Leave Reports and Graphs
Hospital / Ward 1:1 Care and Cohorted Watch Reports and Graphs
Patient Episode Reports
Care Capacity and Discharge Analysis Reports and Graphs
Diet Reports
Staff Work History Reports
Analysis of these reports will enable managers to use the TrendCare reports to:
Identify issues related to data integrity.
Compare HPPD measures for each patient type to international benchmarks.
Identify trends that have the potential to affect productivity and efficiency.
Identify variances between the demand for nursing/midwifery hours and the supply of nursing/midwifery hours.
Measure clinical hours spent on activities other than patient care.
Measure the actual skill mix on day evening and night periods.
Trend the use of agency, casual and overtime hours for wards and total hospital.
Measure and trend hours utilized to provide “one on one” patient care.
Use TrendCare data to plan appropriate and efficient resource allocation.
Recommended Attendees
Directors of Nursing and Midwifery
Associate Directors of Nursing and Midwifery
After Hours Duty Managers + Nursing Resource Managers
Data Analysts
Financial Managers
Executive and Service Leaders
Quality Manager
Ward Managers
TrendCare Coordinators
TrendCare Project Managers
Learning Outcomes
Enhanced ability to find, select, view, interpret, print and seek ‘help’ for TrendCare reports, audits and graphs.
Enhanced understanding of the use of acuity data for work management.
Enhanced understanding of the importance of maintaining and testing data accuracy.
Improved commitment to maintaining data entry compliance processors in relation to patient categorisation and staff activity.
Improved understanding of the key efficiency reports, audits and graphs.
Enhanced ability to identify and flag key TrendCare reports as ‘Favourites’.
Improved ability to verify the integrity of patient acuity data used to design and re-engineer rosters, achieve and maintain staffing efficiency, and assist with the costing of patient care.
Workshop Delivery Methods
The workshop involves site specific data review and can be delivered on site or remotely as negotiated.
Organisational Potential Outcomes
Transparency of under and over resourcing across the organisation.
Ability to achieve safe staffing and minimise wasted resources.
Potential to decrease absenteeism rates and staff turnover.
Potential to decrease the use of casual, agency and overtime hours.
Potential to achieve cost savings.