Discharge Analysis Workshop
Discharge Analysis Workshop
This workshop is recommended for organisations that have late discharges (discharges significantly later than the target discharge times set for wards/ department) and as a consequence, have bed blocking, preventing timely transfers from the emergency department to wards / critical care areas and transfers from critical care areas to wards.
Workshop Description
This one-day workshop is generally organisational specific and includes the review of ward / department reports related to late discharges. The focus is on improving discharge planning and the discharge process with an aim to shorten the average length of stay for patients, reduce nursing workloads, and achieve organisational cost savings.
Learning Outcomes
An ability to understand the basic principles of Bed Management and Discharge Analysis
An ability to identify the suite of reports in TrendCare that will facilitate effective bed management across the organisation using live data.
An ability to recognize and liaise with all key stakeholders whose cooperation is essential to achieve improved discharge process changes necessary to achieve reduced length of stay. Reduced nurse workloads and significant cost savings.
An ability to review discharge analysis data and identify significant trends related to late and cancelled discharges and associated opportunities for improvement.
An ability to Identify the potential for cost savings and the strategies required to realize these savings.
Recommended Attendees
Senior Leadership including Medical services
Nursing Operational Team Leaders - Duty Managers, Service Leads
Finance - including clinical costing personnel
Data analysists and business intelligence
Quality and project management
TrendCare management team
Workshop Delivery Methods
The workshop is best delivered on site, however an option to deliver remotely would be considered/negotiated if sufficient scoping work was completed between the TrendCare Consultants and the organisation beforehand.
Organisational Potential Outcomes
Potential to reduce late and cancelled discharges
Potential to reduce the average patient length of stay
Potential to reduce nursing workloads
Potential to achieve substantial cost savings