Care Plan Development Workshop
Care Plan Development Workshop
This workshop is recommended prior to using the TrendCare Care Plan function or for any site requiring re-training in the Care Plan function. When effectively implemented, TrendCare Care Plans provide a customised plan of care for long-term patients. TrendCare Care Plans utilise pre-set care packs for co-morbidities, expected outcome goal measures (daily, weekly or monthly) and highlight potential problems/risks.
Workshop Description
A one-day training workshop covers the maintenance setup, the development and use of care plans in a clinical department. TrendCare Care Plans incorporate the organisation’s best practice care guidelines for patient conditions and treatments. The focus is on the individualised patient care required from care givers including medical, nursing and allied health during a patient’s continuum of care.
Learning Outcomes
An ability to setup and maintain the Care Plan maintenance screens in the TrendCare system.
An ability to develop and maintain a bank of multiple care packs and multiple care plans in the TrendCare system.
An ability to add a care plan to a patient’s episode of care and to customise the plan for the patient by adding relevant care packs, changing actions, and adding expected outcome goals.
An ability to select variance reasons to care plan actions and expected outcomes.
An ability to understand the suite of care plan reports and graphs available that track and trend variables to expected outcomes.
Recommended attendees
Care Plan Coordinators
Ward Managers
TrendCare Coordinators
TrendCare Champions
TrendCare Project Managers
Clinical Costing Unit
Workshop delivery method
The workshop is best delivered on site, however an option to deliver remotely would be considered/negotiated if sufficient scoping work was completed between the TrendCare Consultants and the organisation beforehand.
Organisational Potential outcomes
Decreased incidents of care not done
Decreased incidents related to patient injuries
Improved patient outcomes
Potential cost savings